What are the Different Types of Horse Rugs?

Since time immortal horses have been with us as domestic animals. They have helped humans to travel from one part of the world to another, provide joy rides to ladies and kids, take part in horse races and pull heavy cart in the farms. One horse can do it all only if he is happy and content. Although animals do not demand luxury and great services but it is the responsibility of the owner of the horse to provide comfort to the animals. Horses spend most part of the day and night in their stables. Over here they have to stand for long hours on the mat of the stable. This mat can make them prone to certain foot diseases of horses. In general the mats of the horses are made up of poor material which does not help in adsorption of water. If the horses have to stand on the wet mat for long his foot can develop fungal as well as bacterial diseases, which is not good for the horse's health. Apart from it these Horse Mats can be pretty hard for the animals' hooves, hurting them badly. He won't be conveying his pain to you so it is your responsibility to choose the right mat for your animal. Given below are some simple tips that will help you while choosing the mat for your horse:

Not too soft nor too hard: the horse mat should not be very soft or very hard as both can be discomforting for the horse. Too hard will cause pain in the hooves and too soft will cause problems for the horse to move around comfortably. You should choose such material which is fine for the horse's hooves. Horse rubber matting can be perfect choice for you as they are not hard and nor too soft, but just right for the comfort of the horse's hooves.

Hygienic: it is important to have such matting which is supportive in keeping the horse healthy. Do not use matting made up of organic material like raw jute as they can develop fungus and bacteria due to being wet for long.

Easy to clean: the horse mats should be easy to clean and maintain which is important to keep the horse healthy. Rubber mats are easy to wash and they dry quickly as well. Moreover they do not get stained easily.

Horse Rubber Mats are place on the floor of the stall, so the horse can stand on them sturdily and comfortably. In case a horse is giving birth, the mats provide a cushioning surface for the foals and more comfortable place to fall over. In addition, such mats can be placed on the walls and doors of the stall. This will prevent accidental injuries of the horse because the mats provide shock absorption. Even if the horse runs into the wall, the hit will be much softer. Horses need some care and this may involve lots of hassle, time and efforts. It isn't easy to carry straw or chips around, to load and unload wheel barrows. This may lead to injuries, sore muscles and blisters on the hands. Happily, things are much easier with horse mats. They are extremely easy to move from one place to the other. Their cleaning is very simple and quick. In addition, the usage of horse mats will save you money because you won't have to regularly pay for bedding.

Horse Stable Mats are available in different sizes and designs, so you can find the most appropriate one, no matter whether you want to cover the whole stable or you need to use it on a small area. It is recommended to use such mats in bathing areas because it makes the floor non- slippery. Thus, many painful injuries can be avoided because if the surface is slippery, the horse can have accidents. Many problems with the horse's hooves may occur if the stall is not kept in spotless condition. That is why regular cleaning is required. The bedding in the stall, combined with the droppings, creates a mass that goes into the hooves. It must be cleaned from the hooves every day. The risk of various diseases is greatly increased if the horse spends lots of time in a dirty stall. The feet of a horse are among the most important body parts, so they need additional special care. The hooves have to be kept in perfect health condition; otherwise the horse may develop many medical conditions, including lameness. Horse owners should make sure that the layers of the bedding are clean from urine and feces. 


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