Anti Fatigue Rubber Mats

Anti Fatigue Mats are ideal for people who are required to stand for a long period of time, especially on hard surfaces. This can cause major health issues, such as lower back problems, muscle fatigue, joint pains and many other issues. Not only does this affect the wellbeing of workers, but this leads to poor work productivity and absenteeism. We offer a wide selection of durable, high-performing Anti-Fatigue Mats that are designed to tackle this problem and provide long-term comfort for employees. Our Anti-Fatigue Mats are designed to alleviate stress from muscles, improve blood circulation, reduce pain and prevent serious health issues. They are also suitable to use in any work setting, whether in production lines, warehouses, cash/customer service desks, hair salons, commercial kitchens, workstations, and other environments. We have Anti-Fatigue mats suitable for all industrial settings that performs well in any situation, even in harsh weather or industrial conditions. 

Issues Fatigue Can Cause

Concrete and cement flooring are two of the most commonly used finishes/materials throughout most industry sectors because they offer robust properties such as being very hard-wearing and non-porous. However, these surfaces can cause a plethora of issues because they aren’t created with shock absorption or cushioning for the muscles and joints. When standing on hard surfaces, your muscles are constricted, and blood flow is decreased. This makes it harder for blood to pump around constricted areas, and leads to pain, discomfort and fatigue.

Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness and lack of energy or weakness. Most adults will experience a period of fatigue at least once in their lifetime. Fatigue can lead to a number of nasty issues, both mental and physical, including:

headaches and dizziness.

sore or aching muscles and muscle weakness.

slowed reflexes and responses.

impaired decision-making and judgement.

moodiness, such as irritability.

impaired hand-to-eye coordination.

appetite loss.

reduced immune system function.

blurry vision.

short-term memory problems.

poor concentration.


reduced ability to pay attention to the situation.

low motivation.

How do Anti-Fatigue Mats work?

When an Anti-Fatigue Mat is in use, they provide comfort that influences muscle movement and blood circulation, which reduces fatigue. Anti Fatigue Matting has built-in elasticity that absorbs the shockwaves produced whilst walking and eases pressure points in the body when standing for long periods. What enhances the performance of Anti-Fatigue Mats is the cushion inside. The cushion contains anti-fatigue properties and is surrounded by either solid nitrile rubber, PVC or other robust materials, which protects the cushion core.

Our Anti-Fatigue Mats are proven to benefit many workers and help increase work productivity, reduce pain, and decrease the risk of injuries.

Benefits of Anti-Fatigue Mats

Here are some of the many benefits of using anti-fatigue matting in the workplace:

Improve muscle movement

Reduce fatigue

Increase work productivity

Protect employees from injury

Offer insulation from cold floors

Prevent slip, trip and fall accidents

Improve posture

Anti-Fatigue Matting Options for Your Industry and Application

Our anti-fatigue mats are produced from industrial-grade materials and suitable in any commercial environment, including industrial, office, retail, laboratory, and pharmaceutical. The mats feature cushioning qualities that alleviate the foot pressure, stimulate blood circulation and help reduce stress on the body. Our anti-fatigue mats come in various styles and thicknesses to meet your needs and budget.


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